

Melissa Lanza

I always wanted to become a nurse from the time I was 8 years old. My grandmother had fractured her foot and was able to stay with her during the holiday school break to go on her doctor appointments with her. My grandmother was so special to me I loved her with all my heart. I felt the desire to want to help her get well and wanted to be there with her. It bothered me to see her in pain. She was so thankful that I held her hand when they removed her cast and was present to her during the prior weeks before her full recovery.

My dream of becoming a nurse and then later a nurse practitioner was realized and I practiced for many years in various hospitals, nursing homes, schools and it was wonderful. I was able to do bedside nursing, teaching, administration, nursing research and clinical practice. Then one day my life changed when I was struck in the rear of my car.

My approach to treating patients expanded beyond the traditional medical model as I sought after a more holistic approach to help heal my own injuries and health. I had found that the traditional medical model has its place and still works and can help people but for whatever reasons this medical model was not working for me.

So I started to treat myself holistically and started to heal. This is how I founded the wellness portion of my practice because of what I had been through. Now I offer this approach in my practice to help others. However, I still offer traditional medicine for those who would like this approach.

I also had lost my house in Hurricane Sandy and was approached by a publisher to write about this. This experience of loss has helped me to be effective for my patients in encouraging them to overcome adverse circumstances and find renewed hope, healing, and purpose for their lives.



Master’s in Nursing , 2005


A.A.S. in Nursing

B.S. in Nursing January 2002


  • Best Nurse Practitioner Award given by Out Of The Storm Senior Housing Organization October 19,2017

  • Scholarship for $500 for the Math Olympics given by the College of Staten Island

  • Nominated by the students for the Spirit of Nursing Award given by the Army and selected by the Faculty.

  • Received outstanding Leadership plaque from the Student Nurses Club for being Vice President from 1989-1990

  • Recipient of NYCRNA outstanding staff nurse award May 2, 2003

  • Recipient of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Excellence in leadership award 2005.

  • Recipient of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society

  • Excellence in leadership award 2008.

  • Recipient of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Excellence in Practice Award 2010.

  • Recipient of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society

  • For recognition of all past presidents during 20th Anniversary Year 2012 award




My Journal Publications

  • Nursing Spectrum October 21, 2002 edition Vol. 14, No. 21

    Article titled : High- Flying Nurses Cover Ground Down Under

    Author:  Melissa Lanza RN

  • Cavendish, R., Konecny, L., Luise, B., Lanza, M. (2003).  Nurses use of prayer for performance enhancement.  Holistic Journal of Nursing Practice Jan./ February 2004.

  • Cavendish, R., Russo, D., Mitzeliotis, C., Luise, B., Konecny, L., Lanza, M., Mc Partlan-Bajo, M. A. (2003). Identifying the spiritual care activities of nurses in the United States using the Nursing Intervention Classification.  International Journal of Nursing Language and Classifications, December 2003.

  • Cavendish, R. Konecny, L. Naradovy, L Kraynyak Luise, B. Como, J., Okumakpeyi, P., Mitzeliotis, C., Lanza, M.(2006).Patient’s perceptions of spirituality and the nurse as a spiritual care provider. Holistic Nursing Practice Journal, Jan/Feb 2006. Dedicated Participant for maternal child nursing care textbook optimizing outcomes for Mothers ,Children and families 2009.

    Speaking Engagements

Topics for keynotes and workshops:

  • Beyond the medicine. The Dynamic Combination of Prayer, Medicine, and Holistic Approaches

  • Hurricanes and Car Accidents- You Have the Innate Power to Overcome Life’s Phenomenon

  • Secrets of the Soul- Tap Into a New Layer of Living That Can Transform Your Life

  • The Power of Prayer- Does It Really Make a Difference in Your Health, Healing, And Your Recovery?

  • Identify Paradigms. Shift, Release and Re-Pattern.

    (Speaking Fees Negotiable)

Island Nurse Practitioner in Family Health, PLLC